Don't be rude. Be kind.


Dear Diary,

I know I'm not perfect, I know that I'm flawed, I know that I'm very flawed, for just like you I've done things in my youth I'm not proud of and I have no reason to be proud of. But I've never been rude to anyone, I've never been rude to any man or any woman through more than three decades of my life. I've never said anything bad behind anyone's back. I've never spoken ill of anyone. People have been rude to me, people have spoken ill of me, people have mocked me, people have spoken nasty words of me behind my back, but I've never been rude to anyone, I've never spoken ill of anyone, I've never mocked anyone, and I most definitely have never spoken ill behind anyone's back. Maybe I should start, maybe I should just stop being as kind as I am and maybe I should just start being a hypocrite, a judgmental, hateful, and envious hypocrite. Because why the heck not?

 There's little to no kindness left on this world. The more kind you are, and the more kindness you share, the more people mock you for being as kind as you are. This world doesn't know kindness anymore. Do you still know what it means to be kind? I kind of doubt that. I don't believe that you know what it means to be kind anymore. I look at this world today that worships people who don't deserve to be worshipped, I look at this world today that follows people who've done nothing of great value in their lives, and I look at this world today that believes in all kinds of promises it shouldn't believe it, because they won't ever happen, they won't ever become reality. I only see people who love to judge, but ironically hate being judged, who love to hate, but ironically hate being

 hated, and who love to envy, but ironically hate being envied. I don't see people who are kind to other people anymore. So why be kind at all? Rudeness cannot accept kindness, and rudeness always speaks behind kindness' back. Rudeness WILL always speak behind kindness' back. Because rudeness believes it's above kindness and rudeness will always believe it's above kindness. The more kind of a person you are, the less you are being accepted by today's world. You can correct me, if I'm wrong, you can correct me, if you believe that's not true, but I believe it is true, because I can see it every single day. I can see every single day how rudeness is surpassing kindness and how kindness is being more and more ignored by this world. 

