Chapter 1


Dear Diary, its my first time writing here. I started drinking one year ago, I know I should stop but I can't really see the point, I have no one, Not even my family cares about me. But today something different happened. I was absolutely wasted, I could barely walk so on the way to my house I set down on the street side next to the old building down the valley. After a few minutes of the worst headache ever, I saw a shadow shaped as a man going up to the building area. As it came closer I got up, seeing it as a sign to get going. But of course as soon as I was standing completely I threw up into the bush that was next to me. the shadow walking up to me turned out to be Jay, he's a kid from my class. He was actually really nice and helped me to get myself together. We talked for a while, and for some reason I told him everything, everything. I told him about my lousy father and messed up mother, I told him about how alone I feel and how much I want someone to care about me. It probably happened because I was so drunk I never talk so openly with someone, but the combination of high alcohol levels in my blood and Jay's understanding expectation made me feel calm for the first time in a long time. After he just listened to me for a hot minute, he just said he needed to show me something and told me to meet him tomorrow here at noon. I agreed, it's not like I have anything in my life. I walked home with a weird smile on my face.

I'll update you all tomorrow. Have a great day!

P.s. my name is kai, I'm 17. And I can't wait to share my life with you.
So im...

Just kai.