

Dear all yall, I want a skirt.

 I found this really cute skirt and other stuff. tho I'm a bit anxious to wear it cuz alot of people around here are rather scared of me wearing a skirt, tho its not the first time I've ever done somthing like it. I did wear a blanket as a "kilt" before at the last few days of school before break but people knew I was just doing it for fun.

this time is gonna be different I'm gonna wear a skirt and be all pretty and stuff (maybe grow my hair out again) and I'm gonna rock it.

now the only reason people are against it is mainly because how manly I naturally am (hairy, strong jawline, more facial hair than most boys in my school) which sucks cuz I'm NB, tho it has its benefits aka looking like the school bully/jock. and if I were to wear a skirt and do my nails and shit I would guess that people will be even more scared of me, (FUCK YEAH!) due to the sheer random factor it would produce.

I am just a bit eccentric after all :D

tho I'm sure no one would care, many people mistake me for a girl even now! (when I have a good shave) 

that's all for today folks, may your gods be with you!
