June 20, 2022


Dear No one,

There's a guy I met online again. We've been chatting for 2 nights now and it's all nothing but flirting. I can sense a bit of depthness to him and he's really fun to talk to but I just don't know if it will continue to be like that because you know happy fun moments didn't last long. I mean there will come a time where we'll grow tired of each other. I knew cause it's been an old cycle in my life. When I said that he has some depthness to him that's because he's a bit futuristic and calculating. He asked me some questions about future plans and relationship. I know he's just testing me so he could know what kind of person I am. He's a bit frank too but not in an offensive way. But it's all too early to judge anyway. For now, let's just enjoy the little harmless flirting. We just chat at night though, so it isn't as big of a deal. I mean it isn't time demanding as like others before.

Yesterday was a bit tiring but a happy day. After the Sunday mass, Marj, Diane, and I had lunch at a fastfood restaurant (my treat). It was so hot that day so we just decided to cool ourselves with good food and ice cream. As usual, we had fun talking about stuff, gossip and all that. We planned to have a picnic this coming Thursday for a celebration of each of our small wins lol. After we ate, we also window shop at a cute stall inside the market. We don't have money to buy but it's still fun to look at all the cute stuff. We even try the expensive perfume tester on ourselves because it smells really good. Marj sprayed so much on herself it was sooo epic hahaha. Eventually, our legs get tired so we decided to go home and rest because we still have an activity at church. Right when I got home, the rain started to fall. It was so dark in my room and I loved the gloomy atmosphere. I didn't bother to turn on the lights, i just sit on the floor with my back on the side of the bed frame and I was straight looking at the window. I took my phone and earphones and I played my Mitski playlist while I heartily sang with it. It was the best feeling. I hope to find the right word for it. My cat Luna also lovingly sat with me so i petted her. I might have closed my eyes enjoying the moment. Though it was cut short because I needed to dress again and prepare to leave, I waited til the rain stopped because I still didn't take back my umbrella from Jha. Anyway, as a father's day celebration, my family ate some cake, ice cream, and doughnuts which my brother has bought.

At church, we just had a little cooking show, in which kuya Paul cook a pesto pasta with cucumber juice. After that, we ate again because it's our pastor's birthday so that's a lot of eating for the day. I went home past 10 and it was all tiring, my legs really hurt.

That's how my day went yesterday, I might have missed some details tho. 

Anyway, I quite enjoy writing here and also fascinated reading a stranger's diary, it's like a glimpse of other's life. I somehow relate to some of them.

It might be fun making friends with someone here, just a thought.
