Dear Diary,

He finally said it, actually the real thing is I finally accepted it. The way I feel for him is really different, he in ways reminds me of what love actually meant to me. On my way through life, I forgot the meaning of my love.

I lose the meaning while I gave everything I had in my past. This feeling, I just don't ever wanna get used to it, I am in love after so long and it feels beautiful. I really hope this time it doesn't break me again, it takes almost all I have in me to love again, and this fall is so beautiful, that I don't even feel like falling. It actually is like coming home to a warm meal, the comfort food you go to. He is like my favorite meal, I crave ot all the time and gives me a sense of safety as if I am somewhere comfortable. It's scary but I guess he I just is gonna be worth  it. 
