March 01, 2022


Dear Andy,

Last night I had a dream

It was so mundane 

We were on our car with my cousin (I'll call her H) whom I consider my bestie, I spent my whole life with her and my dad was there driving the car.

Me and H were on the backseat if I'm correct.

I don't remember what we were talking about but I think it was something about me going to New York to study. Dad was driving me to the airport for sure.

Then the car was going over an old bridge:

H- look it's that bridge where we used to hang out with J (an old friend). I can remember her blowing dandelion seeds.

Me - I wonder where she is now...

H - do you remember I threw my ₹10 coin here. Let's look for it.

We looked for the coin as the car drove the same speed.

Me - there's one but it's ₹5 (it was under bushes)

H - there's another it's rupees ₹5

We found another one and another one

H (giggling) - looks like everyone loses their coins here!

H and I laughed

Dad - their families are poor

Though his tone was pretty serious I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not

H- When you go to New York, will you come back to count the number of coins that gather here again?

Me- I will come back.Maybe you guys can come to New York, that'll be fun.

H - yeah that'll be cool.

Me- we'll get to go to New places try new foods-

And then I wake up to my dad opening the creaky bedroom door saying "RISE AND SHINE"

What was so weird abt this dream was that, it was not weird at all. It was so mundane and realistic, it might happen tomorrow or today even. The places, the emotions. It was so real, Andy. Do you think it's a sign?
