Dear Diary,
Today, after a long time, may be in years, I sat and watched moonlight, carelessly. Reminded me of my childhood, when I used to daydream in moonlight, carelessly.
Those were good times. Just like today.
I used to stay awake till late night just so that I wouldn't lose any second of the calming feeling of being in the moonlight.
I slept only when the moonlight was completely gone from the window.
It's been years and moonlight still gives me calming feelings.
Random thought- sometimes I think, if I had a time machine, what would I do? Would I ever go back in time to change anything? I think I might not even use it once. Everything that has ever happened in my life, has made me what and how I am today. I wouldn't want it any other way.
I should travel often. I don't know why I don't go to places every year. May be I should plan something for 2022.
Anyways, Life is beautiful as is.