December 15, 2021


 Colton came in my room about 3am woke me up not crying but crying if that makes sense 
Me: you ok
Colton: are you mad at me
Me : of course not 
Colton: disappointed 
Me: never could happen
Colton: I didn't mean to upset you
Me: you didn't 
Have no ideal what he was talking about.
Colton: ok 
Colton: you miss mom
Me: more than anything 
And he went back to his room. He has so much going  through his head. I have no idea what to do or say. I checked on him about 15 minutes later and he was out like a light 
When we woke up his mood was so great and he never said a word about last night not sure if I should've. I worry about putting pressure on him just yet.
But don't what to spoil him either 
