November 25, 2021


Dear Diary,

I wake up sometimes, feeling so sad and lonely.

I wake up in the thought of "Where is everybody?"

"Am I ever seeing my parents again?"

"Why do I have to do this?"

"Why did I choose to work away from home?"

But then, I'm grateful I'm able to shift that thinking.

I have to, I need to.

I'm the only person I have, do I really have my back?

I do not need anyone to tell me 'I got this, I can survive this day.'

'I can do anything.. I believe in myself'

That is sooo powerful.

God, I am grateful for today.

I woke up with purpose.

I'm breathing,

and I'm not going to waste it.

I love my life, and my life loves me.

I am exactly where I need to be.

I trust myself.

Everything is working out for me.

I am loved.

I am loveeeeeed.

I am blessed..

I am the best version of myself.
