November 25, 2021 #84


Dear Diary, I woke up once at 8:30 or so and went to say good morning to my family but went back in my bed again. Coz it’s cold and I felt my sleep pill was still affecting me. At least I opened the window to freshen up the air of my room. Then fall asleep… did I? I remember the notification told me my instagram time would be over in five min which is one hour and twenty min. 

And it’s currently eleven am. 

At least I can take walk before noon as I wrote on my todos for today. Not so bad. Let’s focus on the positive side. I don’t need to bully me by point out all of my mistakes. I had been doing that. But now I realize it’s not help me to be a better self. Let’s change the way to achieve my goal to be a better person. 

Yesterday, I started my day at two pm but today, it’s eleven am. Yes am! Be positive! I made todo lists for today before bedtime last night. 

Okay I’m changing my close now. Get off my pj!
