October 10, 2021


I had a phone call with my dad today. I panicked, as I was sneaking off to my boyfriend's place for a couple of days and I didn't tell him anything. I immediately called him back without much of a plan.

-Where were you last night.

I stayed with a friend.

-And you think that's okay?


-Eres mal. Eres mal. Eres mal. (you're bad)

Asi no te ensene. (I didn't teach you this)

Es todo? (That all?)

-Eres mal.

Okay I got to go back to work.

I don't think I'll ever forget him saying that over and over again. It broke me a little more. Not the first time my dad has broken me with his words and probably won't be the last, but I'm planning on moving out soon. I'm tired of this.

Eres mal.

He doesn't even know me. 
