August 28, 2021


Dear Diary,

It's that time again...

Night is whispering over duskin skies ..

The low lull of evening beckons... "Come, rest here a while with me"...

Crickets begin their song of slumber...

People in their houses ready themselves to lay their heads...

The moon, our bright celestial, hangs above watching... Counting twinkling stars like angels...

She smiles as the waves lap against the sand of the land at her feet on the earth. 

All while, life seems to have stopped, it has not but come to a quiet breathing...

A dreaming state of peace...

Closed eyes and warm blanketed embraces...

She watches the nocturnal animals come to life, foraging in secret...

Life doesn't cease but slows down in its brilliance, changing pace temporarily....

Waxing and waning...

A constant cycle of ebb and flow...

Human brains fight this restful state of tranquility...

We can learn so much from our ever watchful Mother.
