Dear Diary, 

I was on Facebook the other day reading through old chats. 

I found a funny one that I had with an old friend GD from 2011.

The messages were funny, im laughing at the way I used to type and my terrible spelling at the age of 14. But I got to one part of the chat that really shocked me. 

GD asked me if I had sex with SD, I replied no then I asked who told you that? GD said that SD told him...

Later in the chat I opened up and admitted that me and SD did have sex, GD then asks me if I would do it again with SD to which I replied yes I would.

I'm shocked reading this chat because I legit don't remember having sex with SD

How it that possible? How did I forget that I had sex with someone?.

I've spent the past few days trying to remember it, but I can't.

 The memory is not there.

 I can remember all my other sexual experiences, not that theres many but ive slept with 5 guys and 2 girls. 

But according to this old fb chat ive now slept with 6 guys... this has really messed with my head I wish I could remember it happening. 

TLDR: I had sex with someome 10 years ago and can't remember it happening.
