July 12, 2021


Dear Diary,

Today I start my new job. Wippie!....Not so much. I actually woke up crying. Why? Well lets see...this job isn't hospice but its working in home health dealing with ALOT of the same people I was for the past five years before getting fired in February. I have much enjoyed the past five months of not dealing with BS and being able to focus on my true passion the stock market. I decided I had to take another job and this was the best first one I could get. I have been successful in the stock market but not successful enough to cover all my bills. I am trying to go into today realizing this is a necessary evil of my life and of the lives of so many others but I am going to do everything I can to still try to better myself in the stock market so I can quit this job too. I keep telling myself just do it. This week will be the worst because you get to meet your new boss and have to be IN an office all week. This job normally allows me to make my own schedule and I get to keep it unless I don't make my sales quota then I will be fired once again. God just help me to somehow put on a brave face today and to not cry anymore tears and have anymore fears. Also, please help me to get my prescription refill on my Klotopin today. It's been four days with me off it and its not working for me. 

