April 02, 2021


Dear Diary,

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I forgot yesterday once again. Well yesterday was a irl school day instead of online. We started making a banner, continued writing our report of testing with a laser and stuff. Also continued working on a box. Talked with my mentor at that's really it quickly said.

Today was the first day free. I slept till 09.30am, had toast as breakfast and yeah so on. I wanted to do my schoolwork today but I am too tired haha. I really needed these free days and I'm not behind schedule so it's fine for one day :) Also I want to mention that I might or might not write the upcomming days. Both because of Easter and schoolwork. But I'll try my best :). So she told yesterday to our mentor that she'd wake up earlier than normal today to make schoolwork. Well, she didn't at all lol. She only looked what to do and that's it. But oh well. Not my problem anymore! :D

This was it,

Till tomorrow! :) (maybe)
