Loop wire that is quite large and usefu


Since it has a loop wire that is quite large and useful, this ultralight mat Dutch oven is incredibly easy to carry around and handle around a campfire. With this particular product, with its light weight and ease of use, I can even trust the kids to take care of dinner for the evening and all I have to do is step back and supervise them. They handle the Dutch oven so well because of the way it is made.At 12x12x5 inches, it is a pot that is truly made to accommodate the cooking of food enough for my family of five. It even has tripod legs, so no matter what kind of ground we place in on in the outdoors, I can be sure that it will not tip over and waste any food that is in it.

The best part about the Lodge Logic Dutch oven is that even the lid of the pot comes in extremely useful while we are camping. I no longer have to bring an extra frying pan with me because I am able to already stir fry vegetables and fish by using the Dutch oven lid alone. It is so durable that using its different parts for different uses is no problem at all!Of all the Dutch ovens that I have bought throughout my life and used for years of camping, nothing compares to this Lodge Logic that I purchased.

Mind you, I have gone through five different Dutch Ovens already, but none of them have displayed the durability and usefulness that I have experienced with this particular Lodge Logic piece. Cooking has never been easier and I attribute it all to self inflating 4WD mat Lodge Logic. Cleaning it up after cooking with just a mild soap is just as simple as well. I don’t think I will switch to another brand after using this product. So far it has given a five star performance for my outdoor cooking needs.
