January 04, 2021


Dear Diary,

                    Thinking to myself you betrayed me, broke me, destroyed the person I was, laughed about it, cheated and continued your life as if nothing happened, while my whole world crashed down in the blink of eye...

But boy did you ever play yourself,  I want to thank you for everything you've done because you changed me,  taught me what love isnt about,  you showed me what never to do, and well you sure as fuck made me 1000× stronger than I ever thought I was, I may have fallen and lost myself but now I'm finding my true self growing into a better person than I was,  and well you continue to break other women I will be fully built, happy and in a loving relationship that's real, and you'll look back and think... wow I fucked up... and I'll be living my life forgetting who you even were! 

Love,  your ex the one you thought you broke xo💋