November 26, 2020



Dear Diary,

  • Hello again, My name is Aziz and in this moment I want to share and talk about my journey trough studying my majour in Information System ITS, I have a plan to became a creative business agency or business analys in the next 4-5 years after graduated my bachelor program, I hope I can continue my study in Finland and gain experience to work or have an internship there. I hope I can continue my MBA master degress in HELBUS Findland or we know as Helsinki School of Business. Why I choose this program is because the program offers me the best education related to business administration and creative industry development that I can get if I study there.I know the journey to realize my dream will certainly be a hard challenge, but there is nothing that impossible to realize a dream as long there is an intention and prayers at every step of my journey. Here I will describe a few steps to achive my dream:
  • First, is I want to expand my relation and achieving experience in organization or time management while Im studying in ITS 
  • Second, I must improving my English skill as well and also provide my leadership skill, communication skill, and the critical or creative thinking skill to fulfill my soft and hard skill before applying to study abroad
  • Third, I hope i can finished my majour program with good GPA and CGPA and graduated on time. 
  • Fourth, Continue my plan to applying study in Finland and can be accepted as well to study abroad 
  • Fifth, After graduated my MBA program, I plan to work in National or International company that working in creative business and development technology such as Google or Tokopedia
