November 14, 2020



Dear Diary,

For this week diary I started contacting the alumnus of the ITS information system via to ask about the availability of interviews. There I asked about a short profile and a description of his current job. His job is as a data analyst. He worked at Traveloka for 3 years in the data sector, I also asked about the pros and cons of being a Data Analyst. He explained that working in the data sector is one of the fields where the community works rapidly, besides that there are many things that can be explored and hone curiosity like coding but the object is Data. He also said Working in the data sector is also challenging. In addition to the Parent's Interview, I asked about my father's expectations for me in the future. He said that in this global era the competition was getting tougher and hoped that I could compete and be able to survive and understand it well.
