november 13,2020
{IS diary-week 07]
It's been a week since I write about my dream job in the previous diary, I said that I want to be a system analyst.I decided to know more about my dream job, so I asked one of my seniors if she knows alumni that work in a system analyst. His name is Mas Kemal, he works in Xtremax Indonesia.
I asked a few questions to mas Kemal about the system analyst. The first question is, 'what is the reason for choosing system analyst as an interesting field to pursue our studies?', he told me that he doesn't really suggest to take this because the decision is on me but all knowledge in information system like coding, make diagram, knowing system, and etc really related to system analyst so the advantage is I can learn both IT and business. Then I asked the specific work in the system analyst, he said that the system analyst is a little bit various job but in his job he was asked to analyst the project needed from the development side, whether the company can afford it or not for the project and also develop products. Mas Kemal also said that works as a system analyst aren't monotone because we can explore new things. The last question that I asked for mas Kemal is plus and minus work in system analyst, he told me that work in system analyst you may not getting bored because you will always find new things and experience, and for the other side, you must be ready to learn all the new things for the problem solver. After getting some explanation from Mas Kemal, I think the system analyst quite interest me to learn more about it. The next few days, I interviewed my parents and asked 'what expectation they have toward me through ITS?', my father said that he wants me to study well and graduate on time, and also master the knowledge so it will be useful for my future.
[IS diary-week 08]
From week seven , i've already list my roadmap for the next five or six years from now. It is only a slight view , so it might be change depends on the situation. here is a list of my future roadmap:
1. study hard and get a good enough GPA
2. join student exposure program
3. having my internship abroad
4. Graduate from ITS at the right time
5. Work in various good company, so I will get many experiences
6. continuing my parents' business