November 11, 2020


Dear Diary, so, today was my exam didn't go well.. because I didn't study well .. it hurts .. why am I ruining myself.. tommorow is my computer exam and it's 7:00 pm now I haven't studied anything.. it's like I don't care.. about anything.. i remembered when I worked so hard for my exams and I did well.. huhh!!! But now... I feel like I don't care about anything.. I'm not studying well, eating well.. I mean I'm not doing anything.. I only be on my phone or just sleep.. huh!!! And in school .. I stay quiet .. what am I feeling , what's wrong with me.. I wanna sleep.. but tomorrow is my exam how can I .. I haven't studied anything at all yet.. I am afraid.. ahhhhh!!!

I'm afraid of my future.. I'm just tired.. what to feel.. what not to.. what to do.. where to go.. !!?? TAKE ME HOME!!!!!!!
