November 06, 2020


Dear Diary, yo whaz good. I have a great idea of goals I want to achieve when I move into my new apartment. I want to make a list of all my hobbies that I could potentially turn into skills.

Since I work 10 hours a day I’ve narrowed down the hobbies to the following. 

Drawing, piano, French, and writing. I will work on these 4 skills as I think that’s all I can manage as of right now. I want to learn French so I can stop watching YouTube, it’s toxic. With each day I get closer and closer to being a bit more independent. I’m close to achieving major goals in my life. 

I just hope my roommate gets his job in Florida so I can live alone here. I have Always wanted to live alone in a state without any friends. So I can focus on learning everything I want to learn. I know this is different than what most men would do but I want to be like a savant.

