November 04, 2020


Dear Diary,

My name is Abyan. My full name is Abyan Arya Syahputra. I was born in Bandung, 23 August 2002. I am a humble and kind person. Currently I am in first semester majoring Information Systems at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and I joined the International Undergraduated Program (IUP). ITS located at the capital city of East Java, Surabaya. Hopefully I can graduate on time and gains a great GPA at ITS 

Now I will write my goal in the next 20 years. I would like to become a successful project Manager, A Project Manager is the person responsible for leading a project from its inception to execution. With large responsibilities, Project Manager will include planning, organizing projects, mapping and maximizing human resources. As a Project Manager I have to develop my skill such as Leadership, Analytical thinking, Team work, Decision making, Negotiation and Presentation Skills
