hi... my name is Nethaneel muluk, I was born in Surabaya 28th september 2001 and currently living in Sidoarjo. My friends usually call me neta, and the closest one will call me muluk, 'muluk' means in javanesse is flying.I am a freshman in the information system ITS, and I have a lot of new friends from various cities. I am so sad that I can only meet them through zoom.

My dream goal is to be a system analyst, why? because I want to continue my parents' business. I choose to continue my parents' business because they have already had a big business but don't have a proper system. Since high school, I always want to work that related to my parents. I think become system analyst is suitable for me to arrange my parents' business besides that, I also can help another company to analyze systems requirements for them. i will solve business problems using information technology.
