July 14, 2020


Dear World,

Have you ever thought about how the existence of us is completely crazy? Some people believe in God, while some believe in others. Whereas, I believe in nobody. People judge me for it, but I have the weirdest outlook on life. I don't believe in anybody because why should I? Nobody believes in me, so why should I give someone the satisfaction of controlling my thoughts, my actions, and my feelings? 

I don't entirely think that I don't believe in something though. There are a few things, but they aren't gods or creators. Nobody understands my outlook on life, and that is why I don't think I can reveal myself. I'm completely and utterly afraid of being judged because my insecurities drag me down into a deep abyss of nothing.

Yours, Cassée

P.s. lookup my 'name' in a translator. 
