June 23, 2020


Dear Diary,

My parents go to work every day; they are medical personnel. I am at home trying to do my work myself, trying to help my little sisters with their work, although no one is helping me with mine. My parents always find a way to make everything MY fault. I have to feel guilty for any support they give me with schoolwork, but they treat my little sisters SO differently. I love my family SO much and it kills me to think that they think of me as a different person than before, JUST because I go to a boarding school(which I never actually wanted to do). I feel trapped. If I stop working so hard, I will disappoint them(though my teachers are always making errors in my tests, so before corrections, it always feels like working hard doesn't even pay off) and if I keep trying to please EVERYBODY, I will definitely break down. I am under A LOT of pressure. I am only 13 years old!!! And every day, I feel like my parents are seeing me as less of a daughter, and more of a person to blame! I wish things could go back to the way they were before boarding school. Pressure is... EVIL!!!!!! I don't want to be an adult. I want to be the teen that I am and not be blamed for EVERYTHING everyone else does. I am a kid!!!!

Please HELP!!!
