May 05, 2020


Dear Diary,

8th day today. Ill be honedt with you guys i really wasn't feeling it today. I feel drained from doing all my schoolwork. I still did it tho but i didnt do the last 2 in the last video today. Its good that tomorrow is an active rest day. I can replenish my energy tomorrow. I'll try to finish the majority of my requirements today so that i can just rest tomorrow. 

I did notice however that i took less breaks today. which im proud of. I remember when i first started 10 minutes of one video felt like forever. I did start playing my own music over the video so maybe that helped as well. I played music from video games and anime since tgey're really upbeat. 

Im into all genrea of music tho. Been getting into reggae recently. Good for relaxing. 

Anyway hope you guys are doing great. Everyday i keep improving and seeing changes not only physically but also mentaly. Hopefully this pandemic ends soon. I miss running in the running track(im not a pro or athlete i just go from time to time since it was easy exercise amd i enjoyed it) thanks for all the support that you have given me. Me posting here about this actually helps me push on since i dont want to dissapoint not only myself but also you guys 😊

Anyway stay safe and have a good day 💕
