April 30, 2020


Dear Diary,IRLAPATISM-A NEW HYPOTHETICAL MODEL OF COSMOLOGY is proposed in 1977 it explains that the Creation is made up of some similar universes just  like Photon-universe(light particles photons),Atomic-universe(atoms),Geo-universe(the universe seen around our earth) in infinite number, having similar structure&properties,embedded one in each other and extended in ascending&descending order infinitely in the form of super fluid amalgamation. Find my theory in all websites by searching it's name IRLAPATISM-A NEW HYPOTHETICAL MODEL OF COSMOLOGY BY GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI.Kindly accept my theory by making references in your publications in  lieu of considering my immense efforts and sacrifice I have bearded in postulating my theory&use it for mankind.Make further research&develop,promote&propagate it. 

