April 07, 2020 ~The Female Fat-Loss Code - Free Video Training


Dear Diary,

Dear Diary,

And as you'll read...
In the next few minutes,
She would be convinced it was the last day of her life as well.
Because as she looked through her once youthful eyes, now fenced by fine-lines and age-spots....
...And at her stomach and legs,
Now trapped behind inflated layers of fat and embarrassing cellulite
This was the first time God had given Carly the courage to weigh herself in what seemed like years,
...Only to realize that the once-slender body
of her 20’s and early 30’s was now paralyzed
with 84 MORE pounds of fat
since the last time she stepped on the scale
In the hours that followed she was greeted by the now almost daily episodes of piercing anxiety, shame and hopelessness...
...all while being consumed by venomous guilt that she was letting everybody around her down.
And while she often caught her husband looking at other women the same way he used to look at her,
She still tried her best to get her body back by trying every diet under the sun
and exercising for hours-on-end each and every day.
But it was on this day... after stepping on the scale,
that she finally realized it was all for
as she sat there, that anxious sorrow she felt for herself...
This time, it felt more...
More severe?
- Sharper -
As though she was being pierced by each one of those emotions all at once.
She had no clue the extra had weight triggered a life-jeopardizing sequence,
Doctors now call the “Ticking-Time-Bomb” of the female metabolism...
...the recently discovered Female-Only Fault-Line Triggered in your early 20’s that hardwires your body to crave weight gain for the next 30 years of your life.
aaaand before I knew it,
And I’ll tell you right now,
Once you hit your own weight loss goal,
That 20, 30, 40 or even 100 pounds,
It Just feels like an “added bonus” compared to knowing that you’ve just bought yourself extra time on this planet with your friends and family.
However, how you feel about that lady you see staring back you in the mirror each morning can be pretty powerful,
So I should give you a glimpse of what you too can expect when the weight just starts falling off...
Starting tonight!
I lost 6 dress sizes and every pair of pants with an “XL” or “L” were in the garbage.
Even my most embarrassing trouble spot... my butt and legs... went from shameful, to shameless!
Friends couldn’t even believe the pictures until they saw the tattoos matched :)
Every outfit I tried on fit perfectly, hugging all-the-right-curves in all-the-right-places...