How the Covid-19 outbreak is fuelling the premium CBD market


Most of us probably entered the new decade with high hopes and aspirations for a great year to come; New Year’s resolutions were made, plans were put into motion, and less than three months into 2020, all of that came crashing to the ground.

The novel coronavirus, now dubbed Covid-19, first started as a Chinese epidemic back in December 2019. Since then, it has spread across the world like wildfire and has become a global pandemic unlike any other the majority of people have seen before, one that has forced country after country into a national lockdown, Britain included.

While this indefinite lockdown might not have that great an impact on some people, many others will be finding this period of time incredibly stressful and draining. As our lifestyles and routines are thrown a complete curveball, adapting to a new constant environment and way of living can be very challenging. In fact, there is big concern for the effect this current situation could have on people’s mental health.

During this time, it is only natural that people will be searching for a way to make themselves feel better – learning new skills, getting fit and reading are just a few of the activities people are turning to. A slightly more progressive solution that is becoming increasingly popular, however, is the use of cannabidiol (CBD) products. Premium CBD superstore, Bloom Botanics, has seen a sharp rise in their CBD oil sales over the last two weeks and are expecting this trend to continue to grow during this month as well.

How the Covid-19 outbreak is fuelling the premium CBD market
