March 31, 2020


2:58 AM

Today was rather interesting. I woke up. I had a dream about something regarding being in school, specifically high school but I have been graduated 7 years ago and the teachers were telling me that I was still 16 but I was like NO. look at my ID. and I didn't have an ID. It was the strangest dream last night. 

I woke up and I knew I had to work on some computer stuff but I didn't. Why? I don't fucking know. I seriously need to get my shit together.

Oh and I started my fucking lady days. I thought I was gonna be pregnant omg then I was like LMAO, bitch with whom? This pussy dryer than the Sahara desert.


I went to run errands with my friends Danny and David today. I got to walk around with a hazmat suit. Funny thing is that I got a bunch of stares and people laughing which is pretty cool in light of this pandemic. I wasted a lot of time today should have been more productive but that's ok because today I created art. Tomorrow I'll focus on the money and the work I've got to do. 

Actually do the shit on my todo list and wake up early with a plan. 

Going to check in on my crew and see how they are doing. I went MIA from my responsibilities but I'll cut myself a break because I started my period. I swear this shit fucking hurts and I want to cry for no reason but I also want a hug. 

It's gonna be ok. 

I'm gonna be ok. 
