CORONA DIARY March 17, 2020


Today, dad and sister traveled to her university to clean out her dorm. She will not be returning to physical school till next year.

The Schnucks next to my house is closed, they are out of food from people stockpiling, getting ready for quarantine.

People are fighting over stupid stuff.

Walmart will be closing at 11 every night...hints of a government issued curfew?

Tara’s sister’s girlfriends friend works at the Pentagon, says that there is going to be a country wide quarantine similar to Italy. If that is the case, wish me luck as I deal with close quarters with my family.

I need to buy another bag of cat food, so the children don’t starve.

I also need to buy food for myself so I don’t starve. I don’t know what dad and sis bought for food, but sometimes they don’t get stuff that I will eat.

Maybe in the quarantine I might actually be productive and get things around the house done. Such as my room. Also, I might finally plant my tomato plants. I shall need them for food in the days to come.
