kindness is what the world needs today | February 05, 2020


hey, it's me again.

once in your entire life, have you ever felt being dragged down? like, you are feeling proud about something that you've created. turns out in just one snap, just one comment (a bad one) and all the confidence, effort and sweat made no sense. i mean, i don't know but i really can't stand saying nasty or mean things toward others. does it make them feel good? i mean, if something is not gonna help that person grow better, couldn't they just keep it to themselves? sucks. for so long you've been doing something that fulfills you and when you show it out in public, they would be so quick to judge. they have no idea how destructive it may be. so insensitive. 

i know some of you might think i'm too sensitive. but what hurts you, hurts you. i've also thought about the words of wisdom i've read recently that: i can't control what other people has to say, but i can control how i respond. it's a good one but i thought, "should i be the bigger person again, tolerating these kind of people?"

gotta do my breakfast,
hoping for better days.
