It's 2 am as of right now.
I downloaded this on impulse.
I guess I can talk about my day. I'll probably pen this into my physical journal later, but typing is easier right now. I'm drained.
Today... was a day. Not bad! Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad by any means. It was just long. It started off fantastic.
I woke up next to my best friend and we hit my bong.
Preface: I am a pothead. A stoner. A connoisseur of marijuana. Whatever the kids call it these days. I have my reasons as to why. Life sucks. That's why.
Anyways, Gale, my best friend, and I woke up and hit my bong. We woke up around 10 and I was supposed to be at work by 11.
I was late.
Not my fault, I should mention. My car broke down a while ago and I had to get a ride, but my ride was stuck in traffic or something. So I was late to work.
But my homie, Gale, accompanied me to work. He got to see what I do for a living. I work with children at an afterschool care program. There weren't many kids today, because its winter break, so it wasn't like work was hard. But I always leave that building feeling drained.
After I got off work, a 6 hour shift, we went to our other friends house. To buy weed. We got the drugs, smashed some glass bottles in a drainage ditch with a wooden baseball bat and went back to my place.
Then I took him home. I got my clothes together and came back over to our other friends house. Let's call this friend... Emilia. Lia for short. Lia is a terrible friend. She's toxic and rude and makes no effort to fix her problems, like her actual crippling anxiety. But were friends because I met her when I wasin a dark place and needed someone. Anyone. But now that I have Gale, I realize that she's kind of terrible. I try to hang out with her anyways, because she doesn't have any other friends, but its taxing.
Everything is taxing.
Anyways, we hit my bong, she fell asleep and I've been alone for several hours. I'm a lonely insomniac. Its hard.
No one is awake to talk to and I just wanted to write about my day and get some of my thoughts out.
Right now a Markiplier video is playing in the background as I smoke a cigarette and type this out.
Now, I know what you're thinking. 'Markiplier? Is this guy 12?' And to answer that question, no. I am not.
I like having someone talk in the background so I don't feel as alone. And his personality and sense of humor is nice. Its calming. And I like video games. I'm terrible at them, but I like the concepts behind them.
Games like Doki Doki Literature Club and Undertale and Firewatch really just... I don't know. They're so interesting and engaging that its hard to not like them. I think games that take an idea, like a dating sim or an RPG, and turn that idea on its head, by turning it into a physiological horror game or a game about choice and freedom really get in my head. They make you think. They stay with you.
...tangent aside, I like let's players because, after watching them for years, its nice to watch them grow and experience a game with them. See their take on it.
I should probably get some sleep. I have plans today, after all. The mall and tagging and more drugs. So much to do. So little time.