

Hi guys back again with me, Alan. I’d like to share with you guys about my future plan for the next four years. For the Final Project Assigment, i will use Customer Relationship Management  for Improving Tuner Shop as my title. I want to run my own business later. Because of that, i have to expand my knowledge by keep learning everyday.

To help me complete my final assignment, i choose one of five labs that are avaible in Information System. I think System Enterprise lab is the best lab for me. The elective course that i take will be shown down bellow,
1.  Digital business
2. Customer Relationship Management
3. Supply Chain Management 

Other lab that take,
1.  Business Continuity Management ( from Information System Management Lab )
2. Digital Creative ( from Start UP Information Technology Lab )

I hope that i can get above 3.5 for my GPA but if i can’t get 3.5 is okay me, as long as my soft skills is flawless. I want to improve my soft skills to and for that i’d like to apply my self to join HMSI/Volunteer, Robotic club, and TDC club and i hope i can compete in robotic competition. 

Guyss, i want to elaborate my plan that I already make previously. In 2019-2020 i have to use my time as best as possible to study cause i want to get 3.7 as my GPA. I also need to know all of my friends in my department and also outside my department. In 2020-2021 i want to start my journey in robotic club. Even though i start it as a member, i will keep learning from the senior until i can join the robotic team. To develop my soft skills, i’d like to be part of HMSI/Volunteer so i can explore my own self. In 2021-2022 i will take the student exchange program to Netherlands. It’s hard but i will try to get the chance. In 2022-2023 i want to take the internship program. If it’s possible i want to finish my final project in  Netherlands to. Finally in 2023-2027 i’d like to start my own business, buy some property for investment, and try to expand my business to realestate.