December 04, 2019


My friend, my mate, my brother, I just want to let you know how my love works, just kind of idea of how this broken heart works, let me tell you that sometimes, when I open my heart with you and I share the things that put me on a low vibe, in most of the cases I don't think I need words, or what's the right way to do the things, because God provide us with knowledge and the answer of some questions is already inside us, we just have to pray to reach that knowledge that is already within each one of us, sometimes I tell you that things because I just need that you stay with me, I don't need to hear the same things that I already hear, I need just your encouragement, your spirit, your presence, a shoulder to cry on, something that the normal people can't give me because there are just two specific people that can reach in a deep sense of love in my life, and you are one of them. 

I thought I had some people in my life that couldn't leave me, but the truth is that my two sisters, my father, my best friend and some other people just reject me and of course was my own fault because of my mistakes, but I failed again and again, and again, with you many times, and you still here, and you don't know how much I appreciate that, so the love that someday I felt about the people that isn't with me now, I release it to you and my other friend, you two are the only ones who reach out an inner core so special in my soul, that's why I love you in an immensely way, your aren't better that someone else, or someone who stands above everyone, because I love all my family a lot, it's just that you two touch my heart in a different way and I consider that so much valuable, please don't underestimate me, you aren't better, you are different and I am glad for that. 

So the next time I share my life with you, you will know that I need your support, to rise me up, to cheer me up to stay next to me, the rest will come later and if it doesn't happen, I will let you know that too. 
