November 18, 2019


i am really desperate about my life

i continuously cried without knowing why

even if i know, i cant help myself for being negative

all my sadness just kept building up

that makes me even more hopeless and frustrated

i am actually struggling with my health condition which leads me to depression

i desperately want to get better and live my life

i cried because i want to live

but i don't know how to get better

as if i have hit the bottom of my life and desperately seeking for help

but no one's there...

even my family, they don't understand what I'm going through and thought it was just in my head

they don't know what to do either

and i completely understand that

but even if they do not know what to do,

i hope they were here with me

i hope they care about me

i hope they try to look for solution

i just hope they approach me and ask me "are you okay?"

is it too much for me to ask for your love?

until when do i have to wait just to talk with you?

you're my parents after all

i miss you

and i want to talk with you

why do you ignoring me?

i need your help

please look at me
