September 10, 2019


Dear Diary, I'm starting to realize that my husband is getting to 👴for me, he hate having to celebrate anything even 16 of marriage and 22 years of relationship, he don't understand I'm still a young woman and I value our 20+years but he's making me feel like I shouldn't care about it,  if I stop caring about it eventually I'll stop caring about him,  that's not what I want but I'm not beyond it anymore. I'm bored, and he's boring,  he punishes me for having  his kids smh he never wants a babysitter,  he just wants me to sit at home while he works and then have a few beers then come home and expect me/us to be cool, right now in this moment,  🖕 HIM YES FUCK HIM, one day he was out of hair product, well, I thought he was out because I seen the empty bottle in the trash, and without hesitation I ran out to get more and he talked shyt to me about it, days later I was out all day with kids they were hungry I had about $20 left instead of just feeding them I decided to buy chicken to feed us all,  he talked shyt about that too!  all that Lil sweet shyt I been doing for years are over nomo back rubs helping to take of his boots after work, all those text I send at the same time evry single day is over, the oil massages after every shower, not happening, buying the chocolates and cookies he loves so much finished, all them pedicures for his achy feet is feneto. I'm so over my husband yesterday was our 16th wedding anniversary,  he was angry because I wanted to celebrate so I decided I didn't wanna go anywhere because it shouldn't be a forced occasion.  I want a divorce but I don't my kids to suffer he's an excellent father I have no complaints about that, I guess I'll have to put my misery aside for their happiness. 
