August 03, 2019


Dear Diary,

Even with two jobs, I'm not making enough money to cover all my bills and pay the rent. I work well over forty hours a week, make decent money, and yet there's always a surprise bill that drains my funds. I have no savings. I have no backup plan. I bust my ass and try my hardest until I am dead on my feet and I never have enough to show for it. My car is 17-years-old and needs thousands of dollars of maintenance. I'm almost certain that the transmission is beginning to fail, which would mean another $2,000 bill that I cannot pay with cash. It is ironic that I live in such a nice area, surrounded by rich folk, and yet I'm struggling to survive. I don't know how much longer I can hold on. Life is going to fuck me over, I can feel it. Now it's just a matter of waiting for it to happen. F. U. C. K. 

