Dear Diary,
Yesterday was Sandeep’s daughter birthday. Such a cute kid. The office booked a bus and all of us went to the party..haha..i’m giggling when i say the office, cause I’m binging on ’the office’ clips on Youtube. Such a funny show…
We had a great time at the party…got group pics at the photo booth…It was so surprising to see such a grand birthday party. I have seen such grandeur only at wedding parties.
I was reminded of my childhood… and my birthdays…the earliest I remember is my 2nd…i thought about mom, dad, me, us, our journey…i think i cried a little at night…ok..I’ll stop with the senti-talk :P...
I was matter how much of a big deal we make of the events and people in our lives, in the end, none of it matters...the universe doesn't give a has seen enough of drama already in various forms...and will continue to see for billions of years after we're gone.. we’re all just little specs of stardust, aren’t we?
I somehow ended up reading about the origin of earth and the universe…it’s so beautiful…even though most of it is just near-validated hypothesis…
Found a really good quote and poem on stardust…the poem is so nice..
“The amazing thing is that every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution - weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way they could get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.”
- Lawrence M Krauss
In the vast emptiness of darkness,
Stars are being born and are burning out;
Galaxies expand, into what I have no idea,
And dark matter fills the infinite space
That has no bounds and no limits.
In the middle of all this, I stand
In a single moment and know how small I am.
A group of atoms, the size of nothing in comparison.
I am the observer of the play on a tiny stage.
The onlooker who watches the painting
Of a picture that few stop to see.
The listener of a song where I hear only a fraction
Of a fraction of a note in a song that will be forever sung
And that has been being sung for eternity upon eternity,
Before I knew breath and sound.
I am but dust, stardust, a breath of life, smoke
Rising into oblivion, here then gone as quickly.
Under all of this, I take out the trash.”
- Eric Overby, Senses